In the Tabs section, check the box next to “Use ⌘-1 to ⌘-9 to switch tabs. Open Safari, click the Apple logo on the menu bar and select Preferences. You can use these modifier keys for shortcuts in different combination. If these shortcuts are opening your bookmarks instead, head to Safari’s preferences menu and activate the tab switch option. Modifier keys are additional keys on your Mac’s keyboard like Command, Shift, Control and Option. You can do this up to Command + 9, which opens the last or rightmost tab. Command + Control + D: See the definition of the highlighted word in the Dictionary app. Command + C: Copy selected item to the clipboard.
Whether it's creating fun and interactive presentations for your friends and family, or professional and engaging decks for your workplace, Google Slides will get the. Keep in mind that wherever you use Ctrl for Windows, just replace that with Command key if you use the Chrome on macOS.

This post covers all the commands for both Windows OS and macOS. If you're looking for a great and free presentation software, look no further: you need Google Slides. In this guide, I have covered the keyboard shortcuts that are required for the most commonly used tasks on the browser. Command + A: Select or highlight all items in the front window. All the keyboard shortcuts you need to master Google Slides presentations.

Say you have 12 open tabs on Safari, pressing Command + 1 will switch to the 1st tab (from the right), Command + 7 will open the 7th tab, while Command + 3 opens the 3rd. Mac Keyboard Shortcuts PDF () Basic Keyboard Shortcuts 1. Safari also lets you jump directly to the first 8 tabs and the last tab using dedicated shortcuts. These key combinations will take you one step backward and open the tab on the left: Command + Shift + Tab or Shift + Command + Left Squared bracket ( [ ). Shift + Command + Right Squared bracket ( ] ) is an alternate shortcut that’ll yield a similar result. Move to First Conversation Google Hangouts offers a bunch of options and settings menu in the web app. You can minimize it, and you can use the 'Esc' shortcut on Windows or Mac to close the chat window. Use the keyboard shortcut H followed by P to open the phone section. unlike WhatsApp Or Telegram, the service opens the chat popup at the bottom when you start a conversation. Press Control + Tab to jump to the next open tab on the right. Google Hangouts displays a different chat window to display the conversation.